Debt Exchange

The largest online listing of receivables for sale of TSL industry.

Do you want efficiency in debt recovery? The option to publish the arrears on the Debt Exchange allows us to convince your contractors to settle them.

What is the Debt Exchange?

The Debt Exchange is the only solution for the transport industry to buy and sell overdue receivables.

You will find up-to-date information on the outstanding debts of transport and forwarding companies from all over Europe.

Thanks to the detailed information available in the Customer Service Panel, counterparties can make informed business decisions and minimise the risk of working with unreliable TSL business entities.

What the Debt Exchange offers you:

Online access completely freeo

You can use the Exchange at no charge, allowing you to browse freely through the available debts.

Daily data update

We regularly update the list of debts, ensuring that you have access to the most up-to-date data.

Possibility to check your counterparties

You can review offers of outstanding obligations to avoid the risk of working with unreliable partners.

How to use the Debt Exchange

  1. With the help of the search engine, you can quickly and easily find the company you are interested in.
  2. You will search it when you enter a part of the name or the full name of the company, as well as by its tax ID number.
  3. In the table with the list of results, you will find information about the date of publication on the Exchange and the amount of outstanding payments.
  4. If you are interested in taking over a debt, you can make an offer to repurchase it.
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